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Showing posts from October, 2017

#3: Marriage (Arguing and Roles)

In this episode the ladies discuss what arguing looks like in their marriages and how they seek biblical roles . Tim Chester,  "The Meaning of Marriage" Tim Keller,  "The Meaning of Marriage" What the ladies have been listening to: How I Built This Doctrine and Devotion Albert Mohler-The Briefing Patty Shuckla  The World and Everything In It-  WORLD magazine Hamilton Mixtape

#2: Friendship

In this episode of Kinship, the ladies discuss friendship in the local church .  How do we define friendship? What are some qualities that you look for in a close friend? How do we as Christians obey the commandment to love all  people? How does this translate into church community? C.S. Lewis  “Friendship is unnecessary, like philosophy, like art… It has no survival value; rather it is one of those things that give value to survival.” Frances's article "Difficult Friendship Are Good for You" on Desiring God  HERE Robin Dunbar's layers of friendship  HERE

#1: Why Listen to Kinship Podcast

Hi this is Frances with Pam, Bethany and Kelly here for Episode 1 of Kinship . We are taking this time to introduce ourselves and share the heart behind this podcast and the trajectory for where it is going. We hope you enjoy getting to know and learn more about our vision for this podcast moving forward as we discuss relevant life topics as Christian sisters in pursuit of vulnerability and transparency. In this episode the ladies introduce themselves and share their heart behind the launch of the podcast. * Why we decided to start this podcast * What we have to offer * Community of grace vs. community of performance (Tim Chester)